sendmail z inetd (Re: Omluva)
Matus Uhlar
uhlar at
Mon Sep 30 12:38:49 CEST 1996
At 27 Sep 1996 17:35:23 +0200 Tomas Mueller <tom at> wrote:
-> V mych man pages se o -bs pise:
-> Use the SMTP protocol, as described in RFC 821, on
-> standard input. As in -ba mode, all output lines are
-> terminated with CR-LF.
-> Z toho teda moc nechapu, proc by to melo znamenat, ze to umozni startovani
-> z inetd. Fakt to tak je? Zkusim si to.
inetd spusti program a presmeruje vstup aj vystup na port odkial prisla
konekcia. myslim ze bs je robene priamo nas toto, mozno aj na nieco ine. ak
medzi to spustite aj tcpd mate pomerne silnu ochranu.
ak chcete, mozete na nejakom porte spustit cez inetd hociaky program ktory
komunikuje cez stdin a pise na stdout, a pojde to. akurat bude sa treba hrat
s CR/LF pretoze ked vas program nepouziva telnet protokol, pojde to trochu
od veci. ale da sa to ogabat...
E-mail: Matus.Uhlar at WWW:
IRC: fantomas, TALK: uhlar at
...and if you think I'm talking for my employer, you're wrong...
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