Apache Proxy

Pavel JANIK ml. pjanik at aida.inet.cz
Fri Jul 18 11:58:16 CEST 1997

> ramcove a o detailech bych vykladat nemohl. Pokud se najde nekdo, kdo
> by tady mohl povykladat, k cemu je CONFIG_IP_MASQUERADE dobre a jak to
> funguje, velice rad si to prectu.


IP: masquerading
  If one of the computers on your local network for which your Linux
  box acts as a firewall wants to send something to the outside, your
  box can "masquerade" as that computer, i.e. it forwards the traffic
  to the intended outside destination, but makes it look like it came
  from the firewall box itself. It works both ways: if the outside
  host replies, the Linux firewall will silently forward the traffic
  to the corresponding local computer. This way, the computers on your
  local net are completely invisible to the outside world, even though
  they can reach the outside and can be reached. This makes it
  possible to have the computers on the local network participate on
  the internet even if they don't have officially registered IP
  addresses.  (This last problem can also be solved by connecting the
  Linux box to the Internet using SLiRP [SLiRP is a SLIP/PPP emulator
  that works if you have a regular dial up shell account on some UNIX
  computer; get it via ftp (user: anonymous) from
  ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/].)  Details
  on how to set things up are contained in the IP Masquerading FAQ,
  available at http://www.indyramp.com/masq/. If you say Y here, then
  the modules ip_masq_ftp.o (for ftp transfers through the firewall),
  ip_masq_irc.o (for irc chats through the firewall), and
  ip_masq_raudio.o (for realaudio downloads through the firewall) will
  automatically be compiled. Modules are pieces of code which can be
  inserted in and removed from the running kernel whenever you want;
  read Documentation/modules.txt for details.

> Ale jinak se vasi poznamce nedivim - kdybych ja nekoho pristihnul takovym
> zpusobem sirit desinformace o Linuxu, taky bych branil Linux zuby nehty.

Dekuji :-)

#                                                                          #
#                                                   Pavel.JANIK at INET.cz    #
#  arch/sparc/kernel/smp.c:                 and now Pavel.JANIK at SHOP.cz    #
#                                                                          #
#       printk("Entering SparclinuxMultiPenguin(SMP) Mode...\n");          #
#       printk("Penguin %d is stuck in the bottle.\n", i);                 #
#                                                                          #
#  PGP Public Key  - http://www.inet.cz/~pjanik/                           #
#  Top URL - http://www.math.muni.cz/cgi-bin/LSD                           #

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