
Vladimír Solnický {Vladimir Solnicky} vs at
Tue Mar 4 15:43:24 CET 1997

On Tue, 4 Mar 1997, Martin Edlman wrote:

> 	Na jednom stroji prijimam postu pro vic domen (pomoci Cw v
> A chci abych v nekolika domenach mohl mit stejny userID.
> Napr. prijimam postu pro firma1 a firma2 (v zaznamy
> a V obou domenach chci mit userId napr.
> obchod, tedy e-mail adresy obchod at a obchod at . No a
> ted chci vedet, co ma kde byt nastaveny, aby se to zapsalo do spravnyho
> souboru. Kdyz bude v aliasech zaznam obchod:/var/mail/obchod , zapise se
> to do jednoho souboru pro obe adresy a TO NECHCI.
> 	Jak to tedy udelat, aby se pro stejne jmeno v ruznych domenach, jejich
> maily jsou prijimane na jednom stroji, pouzivaly jine cilove soubory?

Mohlo by Vám pomoci pouzivat mechanismus virtualnich uzivatelu (sendmail
8.8.*, konkretne nejnovejsi 8.8.5). Cituji z ./cf/README:

virtusertable   A domain-specific form of aliasing, allowing multiple
                virtual domains to be hosted on one machine.  For example,
                if the virtuser table contained:

                        info at    foo-info
                        info at    bar-info
                      jane at

                then mail addressed to info at will be sent to the
                address foo-info, mail addressed to info at will be
                delivered to bar-info, and mail addressed to anyone at
       will be sent to jane at  All the host
                names on the left hand side (,, and
                must be in $=w.  The default map definition is:

                        hash -o /etc/virtusertable

                A new definition can be specified as the second argument of
                the FEATURE macro.

Pro inverzni mapovani pri odesilani je mozno pouzit tabulku ,,generics``.
Opet cituji z tehoz zdroje: 

genericstable   This feature will cause certain addresses originating in the
                local domain or a domain listed in $=G to be looked up in a
                map and turned into another ("generic") form, which can change
                both the domain name and the user name.  This is similar to
                the userdb functionality.  The same types of addresses as for
                masquerading are looked up, i.e. only header sender addresses
                unless the allmasquerade and/or masquerade_envelope features
                are given.  The addresses must be in the list of names given
                by the macros GENERICS_DOMAIN or GENERICS_DOMAIN_FILE
                (analogously to MASQUERADE_DOMAIN and MASQUERADE_DOMAIN_FILE,
                see below).

                The argument of FEATURE(genericstable) may be the map
                defintion; the default map definition is:

                        hash -o /etc/genericstable

                The key for this table is either the full address or the
                unqualified username (the former is tried first); the
                value is the new user address.  If the new user address does
                not include a domain, $j is used.

At dane informace slouzi. S pozdravem

V. S.

Vladimír Solnický, ÚTIA AV ČR, Pod vodárenskou věží 4,
CZ 182 08 Praha 8-Libeň, +420 2 6605/2364, telefax: +420 2 6884677,
vs at,

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