Spojovani mailu

Dusan Malik dusan.malik at strategy.gov.sk
Fri Apr 16 16:20:48 CEST 1999

At 10:40 16.4.1999 +0200, you wrote:
>Nechal jsem si pres gopher at eunet.cz poslat soubor, ktery je rozdlen do
>nekolik casti. Problem je v tom, ze prvni cast obsahuje attachement s nazvem
>stahovaneho souboru a dalsi casti uz jen asci znaky. Jak to dat dohromady,
>aby znikl jeden pouzitelny soubor ??
Takmer na 100% to bude uuencode subor. Neviem, aky mate OS a akeho klienta .
Mam dojem, ze v unixe (terminal na srv) by to nemal byt az taky problem.
Ale to Vam
snad lepsie ako precitanie man stranok niekto napovie. Vo W95 som ja osobne
pouzival program AAAUUE. Nesmejte sa, ma taky nazov:
*.diz subor obsahuje:
AAAUUE 4.0 - UUE and ZIP Newly re-designed,
V3 was in Oct 95 Cserve mag., this is ever
better. All Windows un-ZIP-ping, uuencoding,
decoding, preview first few lines with 1
click. Does BREAK UP and MERGING of UUE *AND*
binary files (ZIP, AVI, etc). New wider file
screen, mirco icons, favorite dir saving,
last opened, & extracts multi multipart UUEs
from online logs.


Dusan Malik
e-mail dusan.malik at strategy.gov.sk

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