Martin Mačok martin.macok at
Tue Nov 14 22:26:54 CET 2000

On Tue, Nov 14, 2000 at 09:14:33PM +0100, Miroslav Petricek wrote:
> Mam pocit, ze filtrovani ICMP ping paketu je poruseni nejakeho RFC
> (nejsem ale schopen v tehle chvili citovat). I kdyz, pokud se jedna
> o MS proxy, tak by me to ani tolik neprekvapilo.

Filtrovani (zahazovani) ICMP paketu primo zadne RFC neporusuje.

Sice by se mohlo zdat, ze filtrovani ICMP porusuje:

   ICMP is actually an integral part of IP, and
   must be implemented by every IP module.
      The data received in the echo message must be returned in the echo
      reply message.

a taktez
RFC 2463:
               Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6)
               for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
   ICMPv6 is an integral part of
   IPv6 and MUST be fully implemented by every IPv6 node.
   Every node MUST implement an ICMPv6 Echo responder function that
   receives Echo Requests and sends corresponding Echo Replies.  A node
   SHOULD also implement an application-layer interface for sending Echo
   Requests and receiving Echo Replies, for diagnostic purposes.

Jenze zde se mluvi u 'must implement', ale ne primo o 'must do' ...
o cemz se spise mluvi v:

RFC 1812:       Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers
   The Echo server function MAY choose not to respond to ICMP echo
   requests addressed to IP broadcast or IP multicast addresses.

   A router SHOULD have a configuration option that, if enabled, causes
   the router to silently ignore all ICMP echo requests; if provided,
   this option MUST default to allowing responses.

Kazdopadne, az se nejaky chytrak rozhodne, ze z 'bezpecnostnich' duvodu
protokol ICMP zakaze, mel by si precist (a hlavne porozumet) napr.:


P.S. Nicmene je pravda, ze produkty MS na RFC kaslou, jak to jen jde...

< Martin Mačok    .-=  martin.macok at  =-.   < iso-8859-2 > 
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    \\\..         `-=    t.r.u.s.t   n.0  o.n.e     =-'        ..///
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