Zda se, ze americky ISP Verizon cenzuruje e-maily svych zakazniku a jeste lze

totojepast totojepast at atlas.cz
Sat Jan 15 20:30:51 CET 2005

Prekvapily me zpravy v americkych a britskych mediich o tom, ze americky ISP
Verizonu blokuje veskery prichozi e-mailovy provoz z Evropy. Technicka
podpora Verizonu toto popirala zakaznikum, tiskovy mluvci Verizonu se snazil
mystifikovat americke i britske novinare, britsky zpravodajsky server
Theregister.co.uk zjistil, ze nemuze dorucit e-mailovy newsletter svym
americkym ctenarum. Problem trva jiz od prosince, byl jsem proto zvedav, zda
se jiz problem podarilo zvladnout. Snazil jsem se Verizonu poslat dotaz
e-mailem ze serveru, ktery lezi v Ceske republice a nikdy nebyl zarazen na
zadne cerne listine rozesilatelu spamu.

Dotaz, zda je jeste stale blokovan e-mailovy veskery provoz z Evropy, jsem
adresoval technicke podpore a bezpecnostnimu oddeleni Verizonu na kontaktni
e-mailove adresy, ktere samotny Verizon publikoval. K memu velkemu
prekvapeni mi postovni server odpovedel takto:

"Your message could not be delivered for 4.0 hours.
It will be retried until it is 5.0 days old.
<security at verizon.net>: connect to relay.verizon.net[]:
    timed out

<support at verizon.net>: connect to relay.verizon.net[]:
    timed out"

Cenzura e-mailove komunikace ze strany Verizonu tedy zrejme pokracuje.
Legracni je, ze cenzurovane pripojeni k Internetu je na strance
nabizeno pod nazvem "Verizon Freedom Unlimited with DSL" :-)

Chtel bych se zeptat zdejsich diskutujicich, zda jejich e-maily odeslane z
Evropy na adresy u Verizonu nakonec dorazily na misto urceni, nebo ne.

Zdravi Petr

Blocked Email from Europe
posted 12-28-2004 08:23 PM
Does anyone know anything about Verizon's new policy of blocking most email
to its customers from European ISPs? Apparently this has something to do
with spam coming from Europe so they just decided to block mail from all
these countries - without telling anyone about it!

I am involved in projects where I receive emails from people in Europe every
day & this has come to a complete halt since the mail is not getting

I spoke to Verizon tech support MANY times over the past 2 weeks & none of
them even admitted this had happened. They kept telling me there was no
problem with Verizon but that it was the European mail servers that were
bouncing the mail. This was completely untrue but if you call them right now
they'll still say the same thing.

How is it possible that Verizon can just suddenly decide to block all email
from a huge part of the world & then deny it's happening? Hmmm maybe this
should have been in the 'pain' section.

posted 01-02-2005 01:24 AM
Absolutely right: I face same issue. VERIZON proposes to include e-mail
addresses in an "authorized" list. This is perfectly unacceptable. If
nothing changes, I'll have to switch again but can't afford these methods.

Say It Isn't So. Verizon Blacklists Europe!
Filed under: Imported - admin @ 8:05 am

Say It Isn\'t So. Verizon Blacklists Europe!

    Still waiting to seal the deal with that prospect in Great Britain? If
your email provider is Verizon, it may be a very long wait.

    You see, Verizon seems to have found a new love: blocklisting. And
Europe seems to be among those things Verizon loves to block. or at least,
large swaths of European IP ranges. Customers, of course, are livid. Some
claim the service isn't even good enough for home use.

    Verizon reps say the whole matter will be resolved in a few days. As the
problem has already dragged on since December 22, customers may be forgiven
for skepticism.

    Blacklists are just one of the many tools in a Secure Email Boundary
(SEB) toolkit. Over reliance results in Sudden Customer Death (SCD).

    Verizon's about to suffer a case of SCD.

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