telnet na MUDy (a jine zdroje zabavy)

Ales Cepek cepek at
Sat Dec 16 17:36:23 CET 1995

Preji hezky den vsem ctenarum smajlika

a pokusim se odpovedet na nasledujici dotaz z Plzne.

>   ..... cast textu vynechana ........
>   mel bych dotaz ke kapitole  HRY V INTERNETU
>   Kdyz se prihlasim na sachovy server pres telnet tak bych se
>   rad dozvedel jak se nalogovat.To same plati kdyz se
>   prihlasim na tzv. MUDY.
>   ....................................
>    pozdrav z plzne      gartner3 at
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------

O pristupu na sachovy server jsem se uz pred nedavnem zminoval, pro MUDy a
pod. je postup zcela analogicky. Podstatne je, ze musim explicitne zadat
krome adresy pocitace take cislo portu. Jak to udelam, zavisi na typu
klienta, ktery pouzivam. Takto se spojim primo s prislusnym hernim
programem a loguji se jiz primo do "hry" (to jest neprihlasuji se jako
bezny uzivatel systemu). Ja napriklad pod Linuxem pouzivam standardniho
telnet klienta, ktery mi unoznuje zadat port jako druhy parametr za adresou
pocitace. Tedy napriklad pokud se chci prihlasit na MUD LIT, pisu:

telnet 7680
                         ^^^^ cislo portu pro prihlaseni na LIT

a na pokud se chci prihlasit jako host (guest), zadam pouze pismeno g (viz
nasledujici ukazku). Krome toho si mohu vytvorit svoji postavu (volba c
--- create new character) a pak se jiz prihlasovat pod jejim jmenem (moje
postavicka na LITU je "orc" a jmenuje se Lsss :). Nyni tedy slibena
ukazka jak se prihlasit na LIT jako "guest" (tj. po navazani spojeni
zadam pouze g):

 ....................  ukazka telnetovske relace   ..................

telnet 7680

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Gamedriver says: You enter the realm of Lost in Time ...

                                    |>>>                        |>>>
                                    |                           |
    LOST                        _  _|_  _                   _  _|_  _
        IN                     | |_| |_| |                 | |_| |_| |
          TIME                 \  .      /                 \ .    .  /
                                \    ,  /                   \    .  /
                                 | .   |_   _   _   _   _   _| ,   |
                                 |    .| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |  .  |
                                 | ,   | .    .     .      . |    .|
                                 |   . |  .     . .   .  ,   |.    |
                                 | .   |.   ,  _______   .   |   , |
                                 |     |  .   /+++++++\    . | .   |
                                 |.    | .    |+++++++| .    |   . |
                              __ |   . |   ,  |+++++++|.  . _|__   |
                          ___/,',|   __ .     |+++++++|    __|---- |--~---
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ,',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',
    ~~~~        ~~        \_________________________,',',',',',',',',',','
         ~~~~~~                ~~~      ~~   ~  ~    \______________________
    ~~~~~~~~~~~      ~~~~~  ~~    ~~~~~~~~~     ~~~~~~   ~       ~~~
 'c' - create new character   'w' - show active users   'g' - login as guest
 's' - show game status       'm' - message to gods     'q' - quit
What is your choice ? (or your name) : g

Guest1 has defined a stealing group in skills...removed.

The sun shines bright and sheds light from the sky

You stand on a central square of Wyzima. There is a players
board nearby square corner and a sign in the middle of the
square. You see beautiful wizard's house on this square. To all
directions you can see nice houses. To the north you see
a church towers. Fresh sea breeze blows from the south.
There is a LARGE SIGN nailed on the wall of northern house.
    There are four obvious exits: north, east, south and west
Our bulletin board [152]
> n

The sun shines bright and sheds light from the sky

You stand on Northern avenue. This is small square before Six season hotel.
The hotel looks rich and solid. On the east you see backside of Wyzima
central bank. Northern avenue continues to the north and south. The re is
hotel to the west. You can see main square to the south and Gallery square
to the north. Large building of Wyzima gallery is to the northwest.
    There are three obvious exits: north, south and west

   ..........................  konec ukazky  ......................

Uvodni nabidka ruznych systemu se muze vice ci mene lisit, obvykle ale
umoznuje pripojit se jako guest a nebo si vytvorit svoji postavu. Casto
byva k dispozici i "help". Doporucuje se, seznamit se s novym prostredim
nejdrive jako host a teprve pokud se vam v novem virtualnim svete libi,
zaregistrovat si vlastni jmeno.

Omlouvam se, ze odpovidam se zpozdenim a s mirnym predstihem preji vsem
ctenarum smajlika hezke vanoce.

Ales Cepek

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