MSIE 5.0

Petr Nachtmann petrnach at
Mon Jun 15 12:37:57 CEST 1998

> udajne do prazdnin by se mela objevit beta verze MSIE 5.0 .

Ja jsem si myslel, ze i takovy lamer jako ja umi naklepat


> Muzete mi nekdo sdelit podrobnosti ???

"Developer Preview of Internet Explorer 5.0 Now Available
If you're a developer who has spent time wading through hundreds of
lines of HTML and script so you can build your Web site, and you're
interested in technologies like Dynamic HTML Behaviors, Dynamic
Properties, and XML, visit Site Builder Network and download the
Developer Preview of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 with the new
Internet Client SDK. They give you a first look at the new development
opportunities available with the next version of our browser. We've also
provided an overview document that describes the direction of Internet
Explorer 5.0 and how it will evolve over its development process."

Takze by tam melo byt celkem vsechno. Jen umet cist :)


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