"The Beginner's Guide to the Internet"

Vladimir Vrabec vrabec at cs.felk.cvut.cz
Tue Nov 23 16:57:11 CET 1993

Vazeni pratele,

mam tady neco pro zacatecniky. Pozor, jde o shareware s pozadavkem 25$
platby za prve pouziti a za dalsi pouziti 1$ za osobu v organizaci.
Upozornuji, ze soubor bgi12.zip se musi dekodovat programem Inter-zip,
ktery naleznete treba na "oak.oakland.edu" (anon FTP) jako soubor
"pub/msdos/zip/unz50p1.exe". Po dekodovani se system startuje na PC
pod MSDOS prikazem

twteach int

Spusteny program se pak prezentuje timto menu:

1. Using This program           	2. Understanding networking
3. The Internet: An overview    	4. Electronic mail (email)
5. Using other networks (telnet)	6. Getting files (FTP)
7. Going public (newsgroups)    	8. Accessing yje Internet
9. Quit
                                                Vladimir Vrabec

---------------------- Text of forwarded message ----------------------
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 06:00:24 -0600 (CST)
From: Peter Scott U Sask Library Systems Dept <scottp at herald.usask.ca>

"The Beginner's Guide to the Internet" is a
full-color, computer-based tutorial about
the Internet. It is complete, covering email,
ftp, telnet, gopher, Archie, Veronica, WAIS,
WWW, USENET newsgroups, BITNET listservs,
IRC and more. It is the only computer-
based tutorial that gives you step-by-step
instructions on how to do almost anything on
the Internet. Perfect for Internet novices!

This is available via anonymous ftp from oak.oakland.edu in the
/pub/msdos/info subdirectory as bgi12.zip.

The program was written by Pat Suarez (pjsuarez at delphi.com)
---------------------- End of forwarded message ----------------------

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