Novy Scout Report
Vladimir Vrabec
vrabec at
Mon Jun 13 12:54:27 CEST 1994
pripojuji Scout Report za minuly tyden. S pozdravem
Vladimir Vrabec
Scout Report, June 10, 1994
The Scout Report is a weekly publication offered by InterNIC Information
Services to the entire Internet community, with an emphasis on research
and education, via email, gopher, and World Wide Web. Included are
selected new and newly-discovered online resources, network news, and bits
of net culture. See the end of the Report for additional information and
complete Scout Report access methods.
To browse the Report or access past issues via gopher or WWW:
Note from the Editor:
+++ New feature in this issue: NetBytes -- brief "sound bytes" from
around the net. Quotations, fun news items, stories, etc. that are
circulating "by word of net".
World Wide Web:
1) China News Digest (CND): A voluntary non-profit organization aimed at
providing news and other information services to readers who are concerned
primarily about China-related affairs. Includes a link to the Institute of
High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Beijing, and the Internet Go Server (IGS)
where you can play Wei Qi online, an Ancient Chinese game.
2) Commercial Net Use Web Resource: An experimental web page that includes
pointers to groups and publications which discuss the use of the Internet
for commercial purposes. Selected net statistics, including the results of
a recent WWW demographic survey done by Georgia Tech. Links to lists of
commercial Web sites, such as The Internet Mall and the What's New in
Commercial Sites list.
3) Defense Information System Agency's (DISA) Center For Engineering.
4) K-12 Resource announced by the Clearinghouse for Networked Information
Discovery and Retrieval (CNIDR).
* The Global Schoolhouse Technology Demonstration Project: Funded by the
National Science Foundation and other sponsors, the Global Schoolhouse Web
server provides examples of students and teachers publishing information
on the Internet, as well as hints, resources and tools, and a Global
Schoolhouse gopher.
* Janice's K-12 OUTPOST and BIG K-12 Gopher: The OUTPOST is a collection
of what's out there on the Web. The BIG gopher is a collection of what's
been out there in gopherspace for K-12.
5) The LISTSERV User Guide (version 2) is now available in hypertext
format from the EARN information service. Provides a detailed description
of the LISTSERV functions which are available to general users.
6) Two new Macintosh WWW clients released this week:
* EINet's MacWeb:
via anonymous FTP from the machine
change (cd) to: /einet/mac/macweb
get macweb.0.98alpha.sea.hqx
* NCSA Mosaic for the Mac version 2.0: Alpha release Friday, June 10
7) Microsoft Corporation WWW Server: Public information about Microsoft
and its products -- KnowledgeBase articles, sample code, patches and other
support related products.
* Microsoft Windows Developer Information
* Microsoft Research Group Information
* Win_News, maintained by the Personal Operating Systems Division to
distribute information on Windows, MS-DOS, and Windows "Chicago".
8) The Ohio State University at Newark, Art Gallery: Current Roy
Lichtenstein Pre-Pop, 1948-1960 Exhbition is now available on the Web.
Over 30 works of the famous American artist, most of which have never
before been shown to the public. This unusual and very important exhibtion
will help in understanding how the artist arrived at his more famous Pop
Style. Future exhibits will also be made available.
9) WebWorld, a virtual world you can move around in, build in, and
visually link to other parts of the World Wide Web. Can click on a link,
such as a home or an office, or a container, such as a city, town, or
large building. Users own the links and paths they build.,-2)
10) WHO's WHO On-Line (first edition) is a collective experiment towards a
HYPERbiographical database of people in the Internet. Anyone can submit a
listing for themselves, and listings are organized by profession or
discipline. Listings can reside on your WWW, Gopher, or FTP server.
11) WWW in the curriculum: Home page for instructional uses of the Web,
located at The University of Texas at Austin. Links to projects in 20
subject areas.
Recently announced college and university World WideWeb servers:
1) Dartmouth College, Computer Science.
2) University of Washington, Technical Japanese Program. Services related
to the teaching of Technical Japanese, and a good selection of
Japan-related resources. Programs offered: Inter-Engineering MSE in
Technical Japanese (IMTJ) and Japanese Program for Professionals (JPP).
3) University of Aberdeen, Electronics Research Group,. Topics include
artificial neural networks, neural web, hybrid systems and applications,
satellite communications - VSATs, site diversity networks, networking -
ATM, TCP/IP & X.25 implementation, protocol benchmarking, spread spectrum,
and fault tolerant communications. Services provided include online digest
archives including Neuron Digest, TidBITS and Alife digest.
4) The University of Birmingham, Academic Computing Service. Includes
documents listing all known UK University Web Servers and UK National
Educational Organisations such as NAG and Mailbase.
5) University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign, Department of Computer
6) University of Southampton, U.K., The Interactive Learning Centre
1) On-line Grief and Loss Network: Deals with death and dying,
bereavement, and major losses -- both physical and emotional. Gives
physicians, hospitals, hospices, mental health professionals, funeral
homes, churches, educators, and the bereaved access to this critical
information. Includes an on-line resource directory of support groups,
agencies, organizations, and educational activities in the U.S. and
select: Good Causes/Rivendell Resources
WWW: gopher://
2) The National Archives: Includes descriptions of facilities nationwide;
information on agency holdings; publications and ngeneral information
leaflets; and some Federal records regulations. Selected available
resources are the Nixon Presidential Materials, Ansel Adams photographs
from the Still Picture Branch, captured German sound recordings,
electronic records, and an index of selected census records.
National Information Infrastructure (NII):
1) New on the Department of Commerce NTIA Gopher:
* NII Security Issues Forum Meeting, 07/15/94: Notice
* Committee on Applications and Technology Meeting, 3/17/94:
* Cita Furlani (NIST) Testimony, 05/26/94
* North Carolina Universal Service Hearing, 4/27/94: Summary
select: Hot off the Press!
WWW: gopher://
2) White House National Performance Review report on Information
ftp:, /pub/EFF/Policy/OP/
gopher:, 1/EFF/Policy/OP,
WWW: gopher://,
+++ "If cars evolved the way computers did, today they would run for six
months on a quarter's worth of gas and explode once per day."
-- seen in a sig (paraphrased)
+++ Cyber Age Affirmation #107-
"I will meet my future spouse on IRC!"
-- from the CyberNet home page
Weekend Scouting:
+++ Games related information: Over 100 links to FAQs, Home Pages, 'Net
games, Walkthroughs, Game information, contacts, and more.
+++ The Nerd Page (their name, not mine :-) at the University of South
Carolina's College of Engineering. Nice mixture of "lite" Nerd type
resources on the net. Topics include Nerd Culture and Happenings, Flotsam
and Jetsam, Nerd Fun, and Software, Computing & Technology.
+++ Star Trek -- Let's Go Trekking. Includes info on the final episode :-(,
schedules, conventions, and of course, the Klingon Language School.
About the Scout Report
The Scout Report is a weekly publication offered by InterNIC Information
Services to the Internet community as a fast, convenient way to stay
informed about network activities. Its purpose is to combine in one place
the highlights of new (and newly-discovered) online resources and other
announcements seen on the Internet during the preceding week.
A wide range of topics are included in the Report with an emphasis on
resources thought to be of interest to the InterNIC's primary audience,
the research and education community. Each resource has been verified for
substantial content and accessibility within a day of the release of the
The Scout Report is provided in multiple formats -- electronic mail,
gopher, and World Wide Web. The gopher and World Wide Web versions of the
Report include links to all listed resources. The Report is released every
Comments and contributions to the Scout Report are encouraged and can be
sent to scout at
-- InterNIC Information Services
Scout Report Access Methods
>> To receive the electronic mail version of the Scout Report each Friday,
join the scout-report mailing list which is used only to distribute the
Scout Report once a week. Send mail to:
majordomo at
in the body of the message, type:
subscribe scout-report
to un-subscribe to the list, repeat this procedure substituting the word
"unsubscribe" for subscribe.
>> To access the hypertext version of the Report, point your WWW client
>> Gopher users can tunnel to:
select: Information Services/Scout Report.
The InterNIC provides information about the Internet and the resources on
the Internet to the US research and education community under the National
Science Foundation Cooperative Agreement No. NCR-9218749. The Government
has certain rights in this material.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in
this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the National Science Foundation, General Atomics, AT&T, or
Network Solutions, Inc.
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