Co se v e-europe povida o pripojeni do Internetu v CR

Vladimir Vrabec vrabec at
Tue May 16 16:55:04 CEST 1995

Date: Sun, 14 May 1995 22:37:07 -0400
Sender: Eastern Europe Business Network <E-EUROPE%PUCC.bitnet at>
From: Ross Hedvicek < at>
Organization: HookUp Communication Corporation, Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA
Subject: Re: Internet connectivity in the Czech Republic

In article <46115.sslatem at> Steven Slatem <sslatem at> writes:
>Date: Sun, 14 May 1995 02:53:24 -0400
>From: Steven Slatem <sslatem at>
>Subject: Re: Internet connectivity in the Czech Republic

>The lowest Internet connectivity rates in
>the Czech Republic are about $112/month for a
>dial-up account. A 64 Kbps leased line connection
>will cost you about $2,300/month.

Would you please inform us what is current aveage Czech monthly pay in $ - so
we can make a comparison? Isn't that about those mentioned $112/month?
No wonder that only local elite (former commies) and government (that's where
those commies work) has an access to Internet in Czech Republic.

So access to free information is about so easy in the Czech Republic as in
Tehran, Iran - where you can (and will) go to prison if somebody spots a
satellite dish on your roof.

Ross  naafetee at

>Another dial-up provider also charges per KiloByte
>of information received as well as sent on top of the
>base montly rates.

>- Steven Slatem

>Sent by: IntelliTech s.r.o.
>sslatem at
Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 09:08:53 -0400
Sender: Eastern Europe Business Network <E-EUROPE%PUCC.bitnet at>
From: at

I know in Macedonia they hardly have an internet connection (I think just a
few connections through the post office, for the University, Soros, the
library, and ???).

Most of the people in the world haven't even heard of the Internet, or the
concept of e-mail.  (Even in the US, many people are clueless.)

So, there goes the information age.  What is the main reason these countries
are lagging behind?  Is it government/elite intervention, lack of money to
build the infrastructure, . . .?

Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 11:33:50 -0400
Sender: Eastern Europe Business Network <E-EUROPE%PUCC.bitnet at>
From: at
Subject: Re: Internet connectivity in the Czech Republic

Limited internet access in the CR is available through e-world, Apple's
on-line service.  We pay approx. 10 USD/mo. for e-mail, on-line news, some
bulletin boards, etc.  It's not the complete deal, but as a portal to the
outside world you can't beat the price.

Scott Gehlbach

P.S.  Ross - the cops would have their hands full if they tried to arrest
people here for satellite dish possession.  They're hanging out of every
other window.
Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 16:41:37 -0400
Sender: Eastern Europe Business Network <E-EUROPE%PUCC.bitnet at>
From: "GB:'X0B$4fAB92GB5" < at>
Subject: Re: Internet connectivity in the Czech Republic

Hi from Prague, the heart of Europe
Czech average Monthly wages is around 6 to 8 000 Kc gross per months. (for
example 8 000 gross = 5 200 clear) , rent is about 400 - 2000 per months. 1 l of
milk = 12 Kc, 1 kg meat = 80 Kc, 1l petrol = 20 Kc. ( do not forget they living
in pairs very often).
1 US $ = 28 Kc.
The access is so expensive to help government to keep ordinary peoples from
Internet hwy.

Vratislav Richard Bejsak
Coleoptera - Australia, Tenebrionidae
Konevova 1658/110
130 00 Prague 3 Zizkov
voice: (42+2) 270 849
fax  : (41+2) 311 6545
email: 76711,1261 at
(I am from Australia, this address is for one or two years)

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